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Give us your views on Camden's Green Space Maintenance

What do you think about Camden's grounds maintenance service?

We have the opportunity to reimagine Camden's grounds maintenance service and want to hear your views on what's working well and where we can make improvements.

How to have your say?

Help guide the design of the new service by completing our online engagement survey... Your ideas will help us to ensure we continue to deliver quality green spaces for our community.

Our current grounds maintenance contract comes to an end in 2025 and this presents a great opportunity to revisit the way we work while continuing to provide biodiverse quality green spaces across the borough. We are now looking for your views to help inform our future priorities.

We know people are passionate about our green spaces and we want you to hear your views. Residents and local people can get involved by completing the online survey.

The survey will run from 3rd March to 30th April 2023.

Posted on 3rd March 2023

by Carrie-Ann Arnold