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Tell us your views on Camden's Grounds Maintenance service


Camden Grounds maintenance engagement

Camden is reviewing the Grounds Maintenance service and would like to hear your views on what's working well, where we can improve the service and how you would like green spaces to be managed in the future.  

Please complete the survey below to tell us your views. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

This survey is open from the 3rd of March to the 30th of April 2023.


Horticultural Approach

Our green spaces contain a mixture of horticultural features, including grass, hedges, shrub beds and rose beds.  Our approach is to create sustainable and attractive planting across our green spaces, ensuring the right plants are selected for the right place.  Reducing the amount of higher maintenance features in favour of lower maintenance planting and less intensively maintained areas will increase biodiversity and reduce costs; ensuring maintenance and management of green spaces is sustainable and within budget. 

We have previously explored a number of options for how Camden’s green spaces can be kept attractive and sustainable using a conservation led approach that involves introducing lower maintenance features.  

Of the options below, please rate them using the ranking scores.  

Please note, these options would be considered across parts of our green spaces where appropriate.


Green Space Security 

The main issues faced in green spaces are antisocial behaviour (ASB) and breach of Camden’s byelaws.  Park Keepers often have to deal with the outcome of these day-to-day issues.  If required the emergency services will be called to attend.  

Out of our 75 green spaces, 18 are open sites which are not locked at night.  Other sites could be considered for being left unlocked in the future to reduce costs.  


Litter and Waste

We currently use staff to pick litter from grassed and hard standing areas and to collect waste from rubbish bins in our parks and green spaces.


Ways of Maintaining Green Spaces

Currently there are a number of different contractors and council staff working across green spaces. We will be exploring options for how these staff can work most efficiently and flexibly whilst ensuring green spaces continue to be well maintained and managed.


Sharing Information

Currently green space users can find out information or report an issue via Contact Camden, the Camden website, or by contacting Park staff. We are exploring ways to make it easier for users to find out about news and information about green spaces and report an issue.

Contact Camden on 020 7974 4444 is the first port of call for our residents and businesses.  In addition, we will be updating the Camden website at to provide as much information needed to answer questions about green spaces.  

This engagement phase has finished

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